
Project Repo-Unclutter. Packages file is automatically updated by a script based on whitelists (see json files for the whitelists used)

DO NOT EDIT Packages, Packages.bz2, Release, whitelist.json, or tweakcompatible.json manually as they are automatically generated*

Adding packages to the whitelist

To whitelist individual packages:

Via BigBoss:

  1. Submit an update or new package on/after April 3, 2015
  2. Wait 24 hours for it to get whitelisted and to show up here

To whitelist entire categories:

  1. Create a fork of this repo
  2. Edit whitelistcategories.json
  3. Send a pull request
  4. Explain why the entire category/categories should be whitelisted

To whitelist packages that depend on another package (or contain a pattern in their Depends: field):

  1. Create a fork of this repo
  2. Edit whitelistdependencies.json
  3. Send a pull request
  4. Explain why all packages that depend on this package should be whitelisted